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EMERGING IMPERATIVES Certain key imperatives emerged when synthesizing the insights around the Superior Performers and their attributes and activities. While there is of course no single, universal secret to success across markets, these were recurring, dominant drivers of high performance. Differentiated, valued Ongoing, selective Culture and leadership products that fulfill a optimization of portfolio focused on core capacity market need. and capabilities. and competency. Superior Performers Superior Performers Superior Performers often pursued a Product balanced long-term maintained a culture of Leadership strategy, investment in capabilities excellence throughout either as a sole focus or and short-term earnings. every level of the as part of a Composite By deploying defensible organization. Tending strategy. They focused on models with an eye toward to promote from within, high-value opportunities, flexibility and adaptability, they made it a priority focusing on lines of they maintained the to attract, develop, and business and geographies freedom to be thoughtful retain talent that was where their offerings were and selective in their diverse, motivated, and most differentiated and revenue growth, digital highly skilled in core attractive to consumers. enablement, ecosystem insurance activities. They leveraged the participation, and M&A They also promoted an independent agent activity. This allowed them enterprise-wide culture distribution channel to to leverage their assets that enabled not only most effectively place efficiently and effectively, incremental change, but these products in the generating high returns. also substantive, behavior- hands of high lifetime value based transformation. customers. More details on the European Insurer Value Analysis 2021, as well as other studies, white papers, and strategic reports, are available free of charge to ACORD members. Please visit or contact us at [email protected]. EUROPEAN INSURER VALUE ANALYSIS 13

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