Types of Unicorn business models 1 2 3 4 Tangible asset On-Demand service Advanced technology Marketplace & network builders providers architects orchestrators Build, develop and rent physical Hire individuals able to provide Develop, market and sell Combine the power of networks in assets to make, market, value-added services to intellectual property such as which participants share in the distribute and sell physical customers or charge for billable advanced technologies, value created from selling things. hours as-a-Service. software and analytical models. products, services & building commercial relationships. Example: Tesla, SpaceX, Example: Gojek, Ofo, Hopin, Example: Palantir, UiPath, Example: Coalition, The Zebra, Rivian, Juul Paytm, Grab, Careem Waymo, ID.me, SenseTime ShareChat, Zego Differentiation comes from combining unique business model characteristics and a variety of value-creation patterns able to yield long term competitive advantage. Many Unicorns now embed circular economy business characteristics to fulfil fast-moving sustainability requirements. © Alchemy Crew Ltd 2021. All rights reserved 12