About Sabine: Sabine is a co-founder, CEO and Managing Partner of Alchemy Crew a venture validation studio using open innovation, ecosystem thinking and parallel experimentation techniques to accelerate the identification, validation and commercialization of new world products and services supported by game changing business models. Sabine was the CEO & co-founder of Startupbootcamp InsurTech (UK) & Hartford’s InsurTech Hub Accelerator (Hartford, CT, USA) where she worked with over 30 corporate insurers, accelerated in 70+ startup ventures, helping them raise over $100m in funding. She is a pioneer in building innovation ecosystems, a co-editor of bestseller The INSURTECH Book, a multi-award winner and a top #50InsurTech Influencer. She is an honorary senior visiting fellow on InsurTech Disruption at The Business School (Formerly CASS). Twitter: Sabine VdL LinkedIn: Sabine VanderLinden © © AAllcchheemmyy CCrreeww LLtdtd 20202121.. AAllll rriigghhtsts rreesseerrvveedd 17

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