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Conslusion The future of commercial sustainability in This will mean the consideration for more insurance relies on the work that a multitude real-time practices, the evaluation of new of insurance practitioners have initiated to revenue models, the appraisal of more integrate data, new rating factors, advanced dynamic exchanges, and the participation analytics, and emerging technologies in in structured open ecosystems and less order to deliver enhanced underwriting structured networks. All this will require a capabilities while facilitating the adaption redesign of current digitization strategies and and reinvention of less mature insurance a re-allocation of resources and budgets to procedures. There is a cost to this. We must outcome-centric transformation initiatives. match intent with capital as we transition This is why many are looking today at our industry towards more sustainable, fairer, new business models to accelerate their ethical, and dynamic methods. interactions with tech companies to estimate, As we evaluate further how the insurance create and deliver value most effectively to business model evolves, we must recognize all key stakeholders involved throughout the that we need to leverage a highly complex value chain. number of lego blocks, each one able to reinforce the value created by the other to build new business infrastructures that endures the test of time.

The Future of Commercial Sustainability | Alchemy Crew - Page 32 The Future of Commercial Sustainability | Alchemy Crew Page 31 Page 33