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Introduction “As insurance leaders, As insurers, we know But if there is one thing we all have a right, but very well the different e can do in 2023 and w also a responsibility, to impacts that climate beyond - regardless take action on climate change is having on our of where we are from change and make the food supply, where and or where we work and world a safer place not how we live, the local live - it is to collaborate just for ourselves but for and global economy, more and solve this generations to come. the environment problem together. and animal life, and It is not someone else’s even the emotional problem. It’s all our challenge of recovering problem. In fact, if from major events and all take steps to work natural disasters. Living together from wherever in Australia, we see this we are in the world, we firsthand, like in many can turn this challenge other parts of the world. into an opportunity for the future of planet earth.” Scott Gunther, General Partner, IAG Firemark Ventures

The Future of Commercial Sustainability | Alchemy Crew - Page 5 The Future of Commercial Sustainability | Alchemy Crew Page 4 Page 6